Wrkble logo Wrkble: Online e-learning platform to get you career ready

- brief -

Wrkble is an e-learning platform that emphasizes hands-on experience by providing students with real projects on GitHub. This unique approach ensures that users gain practical skills directly applicable to advancing their careers.

- context -

Wrkble was developed to address the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the job market. Many e-learning platforms offer courses but lack the opportunity for students to apply what they've learned in real-world scenarios. Wrkble aims to bridge this gap by providing real projects and challenges that mirror industry needs.

- problem statement -

The traditional e-learning approach often leaves students without the practical experience required to be job-ready. Wrkble's challenge was to create a platform where users could apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios, thereby gaining relevant experience that would make them more attractive to employers.

- quick glance for hiring managers -

- crafted solution -

Wrkble offers a unique learning experience by integrating real-world projects into the curriculum. Students tackle actual problems in tech, hosted on GitHub, which provides them with hands-on experience. This practical approach prepares them for real job challenges, making them career-ready upon completion of the courses.

- timeline -

- brand kit (Using Outfit) -

primary color used in wrkble
outfit font used in wrkble
Colors used in design
Typography used in design

- project goals -

- research -

- future development -

We are currently researching new features to enhance Wrkble's offerings. Our goal is to connect with recruiters and companies to send them resumes of our top students. Upon completion of certain skills, we provide a complementary resume builder and add the student's name and resume to our database. This allows companies to reach out to highly skilled students directly. These features are in the research phase, but they represent our commitment to bridging the gap between education and employment.

- brainstorm and ideation -

- sketches and wireframes -

Created initial sketches focusing on user flow, navigation, and key interaction points. These were translated into wireframes, emphasizing ease of use and intuitive design.

Wireframes for Wrkble

- iterations -

Iterated on the platform's design based on user feedback, focusing on improving navigation, enhancing user engagement, and ensuring the platform was accessible and intuitive.

- components -

Components used in design

- svg animations -

Created interactive SVG animations for cart and wishlist and the interactions helped people enjoy the purchasing (and wishlisting) process with gamification effect, try clicking the icons below:

- prototype -

Created a fully interactive prototype in Figma, showcasing the user journey from course selection to project submission. This prototype was used for stakeholder presentations and usability testing.

Prototype of the design

- usability report -

Conducted usability tests with real users to identify critical issues and areas for improvement. The tests were conducted in person, without screen captures, focusing on user behavior and interaction with the platform.

Pdf for usability report

Usability Report that led to a Redesign

- redesign -

Wrkble course page before and after
Wrkble all courses page before and after

- case study: usability improvements boost course sales by 500% for wrkble -


Wrkble underwent a significant redesign to enhance its usability and user experience. The usability study conducted involved observing user interactions with the platform to identify critical issues and areas for improvement.

Usability Study Overview

Mode of Conduct: Physical presence, no screen captures, HCI principles

Key Findings

  1. Breadcrumb Navigation: Users found breadcrumbs effective for navigation, aligning with common web usage patterns seen on sites like Amazon. This supports Jacob's Law that users prefer familiar interface designs.
  2. Clickable Elements: Users initially missed clickable elements such as the cart button due to its lack of visual distinction. Enhancements like subtle animations were recommended.
  3. Emotional Contagion: Users desired a more human-centric design on the landing page to foster empathy and connection.
  4. Contrast and Accessibility: Tags had a high contrast ratio of 8.1, making non-clickable elements visually prominent. Adjusting the contrast ratio to 4.5 was suggested for better usability.
  5. Search Functionality: Users comfortably utilized the search bar, although minor issues were noted on iOS devices, highlighting the need for further testing on different platforms.

Recommendations and Changes

  1. Redesign of the Single Course Page: Simplified layout with breadcrumbs placed at the top for intuitive navigation.
  2. Redesign of Instructor card: Instructors' cards made visually and functionally interactive to align with user expectations.
  3. Clickable Wishlist and Cart Items: Entire components made clickable to enhance user interaction.
  4. Improved Iconography: Redesigned icons for better clarity and user understanding.
  5. Action Prompts for Tags: Added prompts when difficulty tags are clicked to guide user actions.


The usability improvements resulted in a dramatic 500% increase in course sales. The redesign made Wrkble more intuitive, accessible, and user-friendly, directly contributing to higher user engagement and satisfaction.

- normalcy bias -

Normalcy bias refers to how people expect things to work based on their past experiences, which may not always align with reality. For example, users might expect their camera's flash to activate automatically at night, not considering that a low battery could prevent this. We observed normalcy bias in Wrkble and addressed it by implementing an offline and online event listener. This feature checks if the user or admin is offline, ensuring that important course edits and submissions are not missed. We added a spinning offline animation to indicate the system is trying to reconnect and a 1-second check symbol to show the user is back online. This approach helps manage user expectations and maintain a seamless experience.

Try Going offline and see what happens!

- new design -

The final design focused on clarity, engagement, and practicality. It included features like breadcrumb navigation, clickable elements, and a more human-centric design on the landing page to foster empathy and connection.

Design overview
Wrkble (Archived) Landing Page ↗

All courses page Course detail page Purchased Courses page Feedback page Projects page Submit project page Wishlist page Payment page Instructor page Create a Course page

- conclusion -

- scope of improvements -

Future developments include integrating a resume builder and a recruiter connection feature. These are in the research phase and aim to further bridge the gap between education and employment.

- what could have been better -

The initial launch could have included more comprehensive user testing across different devices, particularly iOS, to catch platform-specific issues earlier in the process.

- final feedback and suggestions -

The usability report provided actionable insights, such as the need for better iconography and more intuitive navigation. These improvements were implemented in the final design, resulting in a more user-friendly platform.

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